About Us.

Altaf Mahmood Foundation

Altaf Mahmoud Foundation is dedicated for the furthering of education. It aims to create awe inspiring yet God fearing individuals who are par excellence in their respective fields of work. Altaf Mahmoud Foundation mission is to provide “Big People” to the society, having leadership and entrepreneurs qualities, at the same time having big hearts and big minds. It provides great opportunities for the education and upbringing of well deserving students. An American university named “John Hopkins” does the same for and has named it “Center for Talented Youth” and CTY in acronymic form. Some children are born and gifted with extra ordinary Talent (we would name them EOT children).

One easily gets to know their immense talent by just meeting them. We obviously can’t provide all the children of our nation the educational platforms that they obviously deserve as it would require too much capital and such projects have to be taken and funded by governments but we will try out best to ensure that the talent of these extra ordinary children do not get wasted (Insha’Allah) When speaking of quality education we obviously take into account all factors that are crucial in the development of a child’s personality for example

  • Extraordinary academic results
  • Participation in extracurricular activities
  • Engages in healthy sports and physical activities
  • To make him/her an exemplary human being

Today our world needs such people who excel in their respective fields while maintaining these principles of quality. Altaf Mahmoud Foundation aims at those students who have been filtered out from the rest due to their extraordinary mental and intellectual skills and for whom we can provide them with boarding and lodging. We provide them proficient teachers in an environment that inculcates in them the skills required for them to dream big in life and to have the will to follow their dreams.

Message of President

The collective betterment of society hinges upon well-permeated sense of ownership and well-deliberated strategies on the part of both government and public to mainstream secluded segments of society, integrate financially the suppressed societal elements, provide equitable opportunities for hapless and less-fortunate members of community, and eradicate the scourges of poverty, illiteracy, religious discrimination that are creating hurdles in development and prosperity of nation.In view of this national obligation, we have established a foundation in order to extend our hand for those who are neglected and lagging behind in the race of life owing to resource-constraints. After thorough discussion and deliberation, we have designed the modus operandi to translate our vision into practical and scalable action plan that, we believe, would have easily discernable impacts on society.Every institute requires human and material resources. The same is the case with our foundation. In this regard, I would urge everyone to volunteer his services either in the form of expertise, human resources or financial support for this greater cause and come up with recommendations and suggestions to further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of this foundation.

Altaf Mahmood

(Founder & President)

Our Mission

Transformation of community through selection of orphan, homeless or resource-constrained but talented 7-8 years old children and providing them with state of the art academic-cum-residential facilities from first standard to A-level and later on, supporting them financially, technically and academically to unfold their hidden potential, excel in their area of specialization and acquire requisite religious education with an aim to mould their personalities and build their characters so as they can make meaningful contribution in their society  without discrimination of any kind.

Our Vision

Transformation of community through selection of orphan, homeless or resource-constrained but talented 7-8 years old children and providing them with state of the art academic-cum-residential facilities from first standard to A-level and later on, supporting them financially, technically and academically to unfold their hidden potential, excel in their area of specialization and acquire requisite religious education with an aim to mould their personalities and build their characters so as they can make meaningful contribution in their society  without discrimination of any kind.

See our Causes

$0 of $20,000 raised

Providing Books

$0 of $20,000 raised

Provision of clothes